Day 28 of my journey riding,
Don and Kathy were great host!! Had coffee and muffins ready when I got up! We loaded up my bike and Don drove me over to Rt 66. Said my goodbye and Thanked him again and on my way. What a great day to ride! Was only planning on riding 42 miles hopi g for the warm shower host to call but they did not. Rode another 10 miles to Chandler Oklahoma to a campground.
Ran inot a couple from St Louis riding east. The wife just retired so the had someone drive them to Amarillo TX to start there ride back to St Louis.
Also stopped to help a guy from Spain fix his bike. The back rim was messed up and missing a few spokes and other one very loose. He was able to ride slow and get to the next town and someone was able to get him a rim! He ended up staying at the same campground I am at.
Bought him a beer and he went to do laundy!
I showered and sitting at the pavilion a group was having dinner and gave me some grilled chicken and corn on the cob with cake for desert.  A great way to end the night!
Then to top it off my daughter Jennifer called to say hi!!
Made my day!!!
Love and miss my family!
Good night
God Bless


  1. The Rock Cafe is a land mark in Stroud Oklahoma. I stopped and had the Buffalo Burger as seen on Drivers Diners an dives!
    Yes it was very good!
    Most of had a biker rally had a couple hundred bike go by.
    Knights of Columbus were cutting the grass at a Veterans Cemetery.


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