Day 22 of my journey riding,
Got up this morning and it was raining. The weather channel said it was going to clear out around 8 am. Went to McDonald's for breakfast. Came back and the rain had stopped. Started packing up everything. Got my bags loaded and put on my bike then took down my tent. All loaded and headed out. 25 mile ride today. Made it to Springfield around noon.
Nephew Heath and son Caleb was home when I got there. Have not seen Heath in many years !
Meet Heath sons Caleb and Jake. Will meet his wife when she gets off work.
Ryan and his wife will becoming over also for a cook out tonight! Looking forward to visiting with Barry's boy the next couple days! Will have pictures later.
Thanks Dakota for the call!

Well a great night with family. Sat around the fire with my drink of choice!
Had a great dinner stuffed wild turkey breast wrapped in bacon on the grill! Wow very good! !!
Thank you Heath, Tabitha and Ryan!
Good night
God Bless


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