Day 24 of riding
The journey continues! The rain came and stayed for a couple days! Started out this morning around 11:30am. Got in around 33 miles. Rode out of Missouri into Kansas.  Spending the night in Baxter Springs.
Cool and wet for most of the day.
A couple of cool pictures today.
I posted the business card of the campground here.
What a great place to stay!! I hope everyone reads my Facebook post and emails the campground a big thank you! They are a very generous couple. From taking to lunch and solider who really was needing help.
Bought him a bus ticket home brought us back to there home and fed us dinner. After dinner giving the solider spending money for his trip. Driving him to the bus station to get him home to his family.
I guarantee I will be back to this campground in the future.
Just give a shout out to
MI Casa RV Campground
Good night
God Bless


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