My day started waking g up at my daughter Jennifers and her making  me a power drink and coffee. My brother Dan stopped by and dropped of my mail that has been collecting for 3 weeks. Went thru my mail then Hen dropped me off at the airport! My visit was short but very energizing! Congratulations to my granddaughter Taylor for graduating from Berea high school! I am very proud of you!
What a long day of flying from Cleveland to Huston to Dallas then to Oklahoma City! The flight from Huston to Dallas I was sitting next to a 5 yr old boy who just happened to start throwing up on the plane desent into Dallas. His parent where on the opposite side of the plan 1 in front and 1 behind him! So I called the flight attendant to bring a bag and some napkins and helped him out till we landed. The hard part was he did not understand English.  Got a taxi to the warm shower host Charles house. Worked with him on boxing up some books. They are working on packing there house to move soon. It's been my pleasure to help him any way I can!
My bike is done and I pick it up tomorrow!
The journey continues! !
Good night
God Bless


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