Day 50 of my journey riding, 
Started out at 6:30am. Beautiful day to ride. 
The heat came on quick today.  Another 
state down and 1 more to conquer after Arizona. I am excited to complete my journey. I feel it within my grasp!  There is no doubt that I can do this! The way I gave it mapped out should be in California within 12 days. Maybe take a couple extra days somewhere not sure yet.
Got to the hotel early. Trying to get in my miles before the heat.  Rode 48 miles today. Temp this afternoon 98°.
Heading out in the morning to Holbrook Arizona. About a 47 mile ride. Been staying in Hotels do to the heat. 
Glad to see the Cavs win! Cleveland needed it!
Have a great night all!
Good night
God Bless 


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