Day 52 of my journey riding,
Wanted to start a little earlier this morning got up at 4am packed my bike headed out the door and had a flat tire. Had to unpack everything off my bike look thru my bags to find the spare tube I patched. Have one more spare it is also patched. 5 flats so far.
Couple nice pictures of the sunrise this morning. Couple old homesteads on my ride.
Beat the heat today riding only 38 miles. The temp got to 99 here today. They say they heat index 105. Tomorrow looking to ride 56 miles many uphill to Flagstaff.
Calling for 100° tomorrow.  Leaving by 5am hopefully stop every 20 miles to refill water.

Today would of been my sister in laws Claires Birthday . My brother Dales Birthday would of been 3 days ago. These are the people I looked up to and respected.
They are truly missed and loved!
Good night
God Bless


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