Day 45 of my journey riding
Crossed the Rio Grande this morning leaving Albuquerque.
Stopped at a local diner for breakfast. The food was very good.
Headed out to ride 29 miles today. Leaving Albuquerque a stead incline for 4 miles
And made it 3 1/4 miles before I had to push it up. The one picture looking back does not do it justice. It was a long way and hard to breath.
Made my destination of Rt 66 Hotel and Casino! Showed and did laundry then dinner. After that put 20$ in the slot machine and gone. Went and played black jack put 30 down and gone. Decided to head back to my room. Stopped put 5$ in a slot machine and walked away with 45$. Called it a day.
Heading out tomorrow and looking to do 40 miles!
Still waiting for antibiotics to kick in. Mountains are waiting and I am still going !
Good night
God Bless


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