Day 40 of my journey riding,
Started out riding Temp around 59 again. Live the cool mornings but the heat comes on quick! Just rode 22 miles today.  In Tucumcari New Mexico for the day. Did some laundry today.
Trying to find somewhere to spend tomorrow night. Looks like will have to ride and just find a out of the way spot. Temp is supposed to be 98° tomorrow.  Would like to get in 25-30 miles. Alot of up hill and head wind. This is where the challenge starts on my riding.  Pushing myself to ride these hills with the head wind.
Will have alot more mountains to come!
PMA !!
Positive Mental Attitude! !
Trying to put my life in perspective while I'm riding! Alot of issues from the past trying to let go! Finding myself is my goal on this journey.  Family keeps me grounded.
Forgiveness is my ultimate goal!

Calling it a night to get ready for a tough ride from here on out!
Good night
God Bless


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