Good morning Gallup New Mexico.
Took off today to recoup. Still woke up before sunrise and got my picture. Yesterday should of been 49th day of riding not 50.
Rode to a laundromat thus morning to do laundry but it was closed do to water issues. Will have to wait till tomorrow at my next stop to wash clothes. Heading to Chambers Arizona. This should be c around a 50 mile day.
Meet a young lady today riding a motorcycle cross country. Walked down to sonic and had dinner with her. It was nice to sit and talk with someone at the end of the day. I really miss face to face conversation with family and friends!
Starting to feel better while riding.
Looking forward to tomorrow getting into Arizona.  2/3rd of the way done.
Guess I'll watch the Cavs game!
Good night
God Bless


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