Today was a day of rest. I will ride tomorrow to Nicks place in St Louis. Around 24 miles from me.
Looking to go home get somethings together for my 2nd part of my journey. Starting to realize what I will need and what I don't need on my bike trip. I have been slowly eliminating clothes and supplies I  have brought with me already. Looking to get better and bigger water bottles for my bike. Will need to carry more water next time. Tent ,sleeping bag and air mattress are perfect. Everything else is good  need to get some more jerky for the next part. Jerky came in handy on the long rides with nothing in between to stop and eat at. It diffently will hold you over till you can find a diner or restaurant.
Started looking at the route when I get back. Looking to do 30-40 miles a day to start. The terrain starts to continue up hill for the most part.
I would say I am about 1/4 of the way to Santa Monica! No time limit when I come back to start.
Eric or Drew will need your help downloading maps on my phone and connecting blog to my Facebook and maybe Instagram.
See some of you tomorrow night at Aces in N Ridgeville.
Good Night
God Bless


  1. Joe and I are wondering where you are crossing the Mississippi River.


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