What a great day to ride! Got up made my coffee and oatmeal for breakfast.  Worked on backing g up a my camping gear.  Plan on stopping at Cabellas to exchange my air mattress.  It has a sma leak I can not find so hoping they will replace it.
Loaded up and headed for Toledo to meet with Pam for lunch. She had to work in Port Clinton so she drove to Toledo to meet me. Very sweet. I headed out after lunch to get to my next stop over by Lambertville Michigan.  My host Cody and Amanda are amazing young people. Working on there farm growing and selling there vegetables. They made dinner with fresh cut vegetables from the garden. Made a nice vegetable stir fry with couscous.  I really enjoyed the dinner.  After dinner rode our bicycles to the ice cream store about 4 miles away. What a great evening ride there and back and the ice cream was great.
Tomorrow I ride to Dundee Michigan and try to find a place to stay.
I'm blessed to be able to ride!!
Good night
God Bless


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