
Showing posts from July, 2016
My Journey is officially over! I arrived home about 2am this morning. It is a bitter sweet ending!  Glad to be home but already miss the everyday riding! I just want to Thank everyone for there support! Fredrich Bicycle in Cleveland  where I got my bike and most of my gear. Jane Alley who really heled me pick out the right gear for the ride! Antoine who went over the mechanics of my bike and helped assembled the racking for the panniers! Had some bike issues along the way called and talked with Antoine and he helped work thru the issue. I would recommend Frederick Bicycle to anyone getting a bike . Great staff and service. To my family! I have been blessed with a great family! It is hard to express my appreciations to each of you. I have had great moral support! From the phone calls and text messages to Facebook. This is what kept me going. My family who I was able to stay with along the way. Some I got to stay a night to 3 or 4 nights. Thank you with all my heart! My home is a
 Spent the day with Tony walking around LA and Hollywood.  Could not meet up with my sisters unfortunately.  I hope they had a fun day! There flight left tonight to go back home And Tony leaves at 5 am to get his flight back home! I am looking forward to seeing family thus weekend. Had a chance to sit and talk with Tony and enjoy a very good beer! I could make out the vanilla and maple taste in it. All I can say is what a great family I have ! My niece Rachel snd Tyler who put me up and drove me around town and was at the Pier when I arrived. My sisters Dawn,Denise and Grayson, Nathaniel who surprised me at the Pier! Tony who I was able to spend some quality time with and also was at the Pier. Safe travel home to my family! Good night God Bless
Tyler and Rachel took my familyon a tour of Space X where Tyler works! Very cool place. Tyler really loves his job. Gave us a a great tour and explained the whole launch  and return process of the rocket. After the tour my sister where heading to do para sailing.  Rachel, Tyler, Tony and I went to take a tour of a brewery and go to a baseball game in Anaheim. Thank you Rachel and Tyler for driving us around while we were here!! Looking to tour around LA and Hollywood today with my sisters before they g ead home.  I have been so blessed to have my family here  for the end of my journey!  Thank you all!!! Love you!  Good day  God Bless 
Got to hang out with the family day after my ride. We ended up going back to Santa Monica Pier. Tony and the boys went swimming and I hung out on the beach with my sisters. We went to Bubba Gump Shrimp restaurant for lunch. They had my sister Denise get up in front of everyone and we sang Happy Birthday to her. After that Tony,Grayson and Nathaniel went on a couple rides on the Pier.  What a great day with family! Tony and I meet up with Rachel and Tyler for dinner and drinks. Tony was not feeling well so he left to go back to his hotel and Rachel, Tyler and I went to a couple more bars before calling it a night. So did not get a chsnce to blog last night so I am doing it this morning. Looking to go to Tylers work Space X with all my family for a tour this morning.  After that shipping my bike home today. Good day God Bless
Day 72 of my journey riding, Started out riding to my niece's Rachel. Rode 8 miles. Hung out with Rachel for the day. Tony called when he got in so I started the last leg of my journey to Santa Monica.  I arrived just at sunset to see Rachel and Tony waiting for me. The ending was quit emotional for me and brought tears to my eyes. Had walked to the ocean to take a few pictures. After that we were heading to the pier to take a couple more pictures but as we were walking who do I see but my sister Dawn,Deniseand Grays and Nathaniel. Then Rachels fiance Tyler showed up. What a surprise!  What a joy to have my family there for me at the of my journey! I have been so blessed with the people who I've  met along the way and now with my family. More pictures to come Good night God Bless
Day 71 of my journey riding, Left out of LA yesterday and rode to Culver City. Stopped at a bike shop and talked with them to see if they could ship my bike back. They said they will be able to do that for me. So on Friday will have them ship it to my daughter Jennifer house. My tennis shoes were coming apart so stopped and bought new ones. Dud not blog last night so doing it this morning . Will be at my niece's Rachels about noon today. Then plan on riding to Santa Monica late afternoon to finish ride and see the sunset. Tony should be in by then! So today should be my last day of riding!!!!! I will be home on next Friday the 22nd. Will post where the parties will be all weekend!  So good day God Bless
My day off in LA! Set up my tattoo appointment yesterday for today.. Left about 1 pm to head over to Studio City Tattoo for my tattoo.  Stopped at a pub before going there to have lunch and a couple drinks. The Tattoo place was very busy! Got there an hour early . A young lady came in to get her first tattoo. It was a picture of her dogs paw. She had to put it down a couple weeks ago. Her name was Angela. We talked a bit while she had her tattoos done she also had the date put on her wrist. When she was done wished me luck and gave me a hug and a kiss.  Very emotional for her. Then it was my turn.  Emily was my artist. She went over my picture and we made the adjustment I wanted. All said and done I think it looks great!! This is another first for me. So heading to Culver City tomorrow to spend the night and look around town as I go! Life is good! Hoping to be at Santa Monica Pier tomorrow night for the end  of my ride and for the sunset! More tomorrow.  Good night  God
Day 70 of my journey riding, Picture of breakfast and picture of LA. The day started out about 66° this morning . Very nice ride! Was only going to ride to Pasenda but I stopped and shipped back all my camping gear. All said and done shipped 30 lbs of gear back. Talk about lighting up my load. So after I left UPS just continued to ride. Next thing you know I'm in LA. So I will be here ti Thursday morning then head over to Rachel. Friday morning to Santa Monica for the end of my journey! Will be home on Friday morning the 22nd. Time to party all weekend when I get back! Good night God Bless
Day 69 of my journey riding, I picture of sunset 1 of sunrise then my breakfast! Rode 26 miles today! Nice ride mostly down hill and cool this morning. I made it to Claremont today and tomorrow Pasadena. About 26 mile ride tomorrow. Looking to set up Amtrack. Time is going fast now. The only thing exciting today is when I was getting g ready to leave the hotel to get something to eat police were arresting a guy just down from my room. Talked with Rachel making arrangements for my stay. Looking forward to staying a couple days in Pasadena. That's all for today! Good night God Bless
Day 68 of my journey riding,  Leaving Victorville this morning I could not believe the number of homeless  people I saw! The only thing I could do was pray for them. The only good thing is they are somewhere warm. Stopped at a Dennys for breakfast. On the road about 5:45am. Rode 34 miles to a campground out side Devote California.  Thus will be my last night of camping! Looking to ship camping gear back when I get to Pasadena. Thus should lighten my load about another 15-20lbs. My finish date will be Friday morning! My nephew Tony will be flying in on thursday evening. My Niece Rachel will be off so both of them will be at the Pier in Santa Monica waiting on me!! Getting to be a little bitter sweet.  Looking forward to finishing but also regretting that this adventure will be ending! Will need a little time out of the saddle before my next ride! Life is good!! Right around 100 miles to go!! For all who had doubt I did it!! PMA In God I trust
Day 67 of my journey riding, The day started of great! 67° to start my ride. Headed out around 5am. Planned on riding 28 miles today. Couple pictures of the sunrise and a couple pictures of someones yard completely of bottle trees. Very interesting! A couple pictures of a town Oro Grande. Alot of antique stores there now Got into the town of Victorville. Small restaurant which I took a picture of the sign. Went in and had some pancakes for breakfast. Talking with the waitress and she was telling me they are expecting 7-8 thousand people in town this weekend for the annual Hash party/ Marijuana party. Started calling hotels and they are all full. Comfort Inn had 1 room available for 245$ for the night. Glad I kept all my camping equipment. So camping tonight and also tomorrow night. Even the next town west of here is booked. Should be in Devote tomorrow at the camp ground.  Sunday night in Upland. Monday in Pasadena. At the campground helped some