Back in California

Flew in last night. Picked up car at parking lot. Noticed on the way to hotel small ants in it. Did not think much about it till this morning when getting in noticed in the door jam alot of ants. Started opening doors and noticed all the doors had a lot of ants. So I have been spraying them with windex to kill them. Hopefully in the next couple days to be rid of them!
Picked up camper drove out to Malibu. Staying at Malibu State Park. Can't believe how pricey it is to do primitive camp. Might move a little North to a KOA it will be cheaper. Wish I would of just had my bike. Would be able to stay with people from warm showers.
Generator is here and working great.
Might cut my trip short to save expenses. 
Will visit a couple friends out here and see how it goes.
Do not want to come back to the cold!!
I will see how the next couple weeks go then decide.
Couple pictures from campground.


  1. I hate to see you end your trip early but also wouldn't mind you being home either.


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