Drove to Huntington Beach and parked

Parked at Huntington Beach Park. Got out and rode north 11 miles. On my way back caught up to a young man riding from Idaho to San Diego.  So I rode with him my last 5 miles. We got to my car I made him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  I also gave him my power bars and water. Thus was his first big ride.  He had just finished college and wanted to take a break. His name is Justin. I did not get his last name. I gave him my phone number just in case he needed anything.  So when he left I went out and rode another 12 miles. So total miles for today was 32. Mid 60s for the high.  Started off cool. I did get a couple of pictures along the way.  Also got a picture of Justin.
There were alot more people on bicycles here then anyplace else I've ridden so far.
So rode to Newport Beach also today. Need to map out my ride for tomorrow.
Good night
God Bless


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