
Showing posts from March, 2017

Ride to Key West

Got up 6:00am. My sinuses still giving me issue!  Packed up and stopped by a cafe for coffee and a egg sandwich. Only a 17 mile ride to get to campground. Overall the ride went quick. Got to Boyds campground got set up and headed to the VA for my sinuses. Say for over 2hrs before anyone seen me. Nurse Comes out takes me back  does blood pressure and temp. Says the do not take walkins I need to.make an appointment.  Told her I'm leaving Sunday nothing we can do for you.. Would of been nice if they told me that when I got there instead of sitting 2hrs. When I left there rode around Key West!  Had someone take my picture at the southernmost part of the U.S. Meet up.with Michael at Boyds campground. He will be heading back to Miami tomorrow. Plans on riding it in 3 days. Michael and I had dinner and a couple drinks before calling it a night. He plans on leaving early tomorrow. Enjoyed hanging and talking with him. To bad we did not doin b any riding together. Having some sort of act

Day off

Got up around 6:30am made coffee and oatmeal for myself. When the Michael got up and moving around made him coffee and oatmeal.  Michael packed up his gear and headed for Key West.  16 mile ride to the next campground but today and tomorrow going to have a south wind! Should be for a fun ride. Once I get to Boyds campground I will set up then go over to the VA clinic about my sinuses.  They have kicked in again and now in m th chest. Hopefully they can provide antibiotics till I get back home. Will gave to try and schedule surgery right away. Krista just had the surgery I need so I gotta do it. Thanks Krista! Other then that it is a beautiful day!  Breezy and in the 80s. Slept most of the day so no pictures! Tomorrow will be better! Still feel blessed riding even tho not at a 100%. Good night God Bless

Rode to Sugarloaf Koa

Got up this morning and made coffee and oatmeal for breakfast. Slept very well last night. Packed up after breakfast and headed out. 32 mile ride to Big Pine Key where I stopped to visit with Jim Adams from Wilsons garage. Sat and talked for a bit then we walked over to I think it's called No Name Bar. Had Conch Soup for the first time and it was very good! Had to have a couple of beers also. After lunch walked back to Jims place took a couple pictures and I headed out. 14 mile ride to Sugarloaf Koa. Total 42 miles today. Wore a light weight long sleeve shirt to protect my arms today. Temp in the mid 80s. Meet a guy from France on the way to Sugarloaf.  He was stopped at a gas station and getting ready to leave when I pulled in. We talked a bit and he headed out. Come to find out staying at the same campground. Went and had a beer the bar then went across the street for dinner. Enjoy talking with him and trying to understand him. He's doing pretty good speaking English. Rode

Rode to Jolly Rodgers Campground

Had a good night's sleep after a long day. Got up made coffee and oatmeal for breakfast!  Packed up and headed out. The morning ride went well no misguided directions. Stopped at the Midway Cafe for coffee and Key Lime Tart. The rest of the day went smooth. Got set up took a shower then laundry. Beautiful day . Went out to dinner for all you can eat shrimp. Sitting now waiting for the sunset.  Going to be beautiful! Will post pictures later. Good night  God Bless 

Ride to Key Largo

The morning started out great!  Breakfast at the hotel then on the road. Following goggle maps it had me down some back roads to a gravel grassy road. No marking for bike route or anything. I most of gone 10 miles or more out of my way before I took it off bicycle mapping. Put it on driving till it got me back to Highway 1 . From a 43-44 mile day to over 50 was exhausting.  Made it to Key Largo!! Set up camp and had 2 nice cold beers at the store. Got my shower and fell asleep about 8:30. Did not take any pictures yesterday. Sorry about the delay on blogging. God Bless

Ride to Cutler Bay

Got up packed went to breakfast.  Got ready to head out and my rear tire was low. Pumped it up enough till I got to a bike rental place and used there compressor to fill the tire. Mapping route Kasten-Del night was showing 40 miles to Cutler Bay.  All said and done only got in 32-33 miles today. Sprinkled on and off most of the day. Rode bike trail most if the day. Really enjoyed riding today! Rode thru downtown Miami.  Most of the roads were closed due to some sort of Rap concert that was going on all weekend. Alot of people early when I was riding thru. 1 more night in a hotel then the next few will be at a campground. Good night God Bless

Day off

Today was a great day! Took the day off but still got in around 10 miles riding the boardwalk. After riding parked the bike and  I walked some of the beach. Stopped at an outdoor bar and had a couple Crown Royals!  Sat and people watched fir a couple hours. Sign for my granddaughter TayTa Very windy day again but beautiful.  Mid 80s and overcast most of the day. Tomorrow supposed to be most sunny and in the 80s. Plan on riding 44 miles to Cutler Bay. Good night God Bless

43 mile ride today!

Last night had thunder storms and heavy winds. Just a couple drops if water in side. Got up made breakfast and coffee . Got packed up and started riding. The day was very windy most from the east as north. It did rain awhile this morning. Sun came out and I got a little red. I truly enjoyed my ride. Rode a few extra miles today only planned on riding 35 but felt good. Ran across 2 different couples coming from Key West. Talked a bit with them. I really liked the pedals the 1 couple had on there bike. One side you clipped in the other was a regular pedal. Not sure if I'm taking tomorrow off yet or not. I have ridden 3 day and normally take off the 4th day. I'll decide in the morning.  Call it a night Good night God Bless

Rode 37 miles today

Was able to get up eat breakfast and pack before the rain came. It rained all day on and off. Rode 37 miles to John Prince Park outside of Lake Worth Fl. Was able to set up in between the downpours. Made soup for dinner took a shower then the heavy rains came. Thunder, lighting and windy. Tents doing well just a couple drops now and then. I think I only took 2 picture today. Looks like a hotel night tomorrow so far. Have not received any emails from my requests I sent out. Look to be just north of Ft Lauderdale. Supposed to be very windy tomorrow so a 38 mile day could be done. Good night God Bless

48 mile ride

Got up and packed up this morning. Heading out Ft Pierce Sue and Kirk invited me to breakfast.  So a quick 4 miles and at there house for breakfast. Great morning to sit and talk with Sue and Kirk making us poached eggs, hash browns, sausage and toast and of course some great coffee! After breakfast they headed to work and I headed south! What a beautiful day for a ride. Temp got up into the 80s. Stopped a couple times to charge my battery.  While I was riding heard a loud pop. I stopped my bike to look and found nothing flat or out of place. As I was checking out my bike a young man early teens riding by asked if I needed any help. Just that offer made my day! For me it's the simple things that make my day just a jester to help. After that the ride went well rode to Jonathan Dickinson State park to camp. What a beautiful park. Borrowed a extension cord from my neighbor so I have electric inside the tent if it rains. Want to keep everything charged as much as possible. Have a cou

Day of rest

Took today off after 3 good days of riding. Got up made coffee and oatmeal for breakfast. Nice cool morning to start the day. Ended up taking a shower and doing laundry.  Took a second shower after sitting in the sun for just a bit. Total day of relaxing! Saw on facebook the Susan Hancock Mauer was 4 miles away . I texted her to see if this was true and it was. So after work Sue and her Husband Kirk picked me up and took me to dinner!!! We had seemed like 1 of each appetizer. We tried 1 of each of ours .  I had a great night talking and reminiscing of the old days. It is great to hook up with people we used to hang out with back in the day! Her husband Kirk just fit right in. Plan on stopping for breakfast at there house on my way out! Again sound like a broken record but I'm truly blessed to be reconnecting with people I have not seen in years. I'm glad Facebook mentioned Sue was by. Thank you Sue and Kirk!! See you in the morning! Good night God Bless

Leave Palm Bay rode to Ft Pierce

Got up atb6:30 this morning Cathy had me eggs,toast and coffee waiting! I truly enjoyed my time with them!  Had Al drive me back north to Melbourne so I could ride across to A1A and ride down the coast. All together about 53 miles. Whay a beautiful ride! Took my time made a couple stops got my feet wet in the ocean. My second stop I think sat charging my phone when I got ready to leave my front tire was flat! Stripped everything off my bike so I could change my tire. The only issue I had was the pump I have could not put more than 35lbs in the tire. Some guy going to the beach asked if he could do anything then he told me he had a small compressor so he pumped up my ture for me. Truly felt blessed to have him ask on his way to the beach! The rest of the ride went great! Tiday is the first camping I've done on this trip. Could not find a Warm Showers Host. Taking tomorrow off so might have some luck calling tomorrow. Did go not for Chicken parmesan for dinner. Very good. Ran he to

Arrive Palm Bay

Got up and packed up to head out. Marshall was a great host!  You know he was raised in Olmsted Falls! Good people came from here. Headed out around 8am. Stopped at Davids World Cycle to buy bike gloves.  Left mine in Orlando in my car. Great service and people. A guy came in for a crank for his bike they had a used one in the back and gave it to him.  As a biker I can appreciate the kindness they showed. Thanks guys!!! Nice cool morning with a light breeze. Rode 46 miles to get to Al and Cathy Bucy. Was great riding up the drive and Cathy was out in the yard working. 3 dogs watching her work. Al came out from the garage to welcome me also! I'm truly blessed to have great friends.  Cathy made steak, potatoes, greenbeans, stuffed peppers and brownies for dessert. Love home cooked meals!! Got my shower in and then did laundry. There son Alex came in and out. He has grown up since I last seen him! Relaxing the rest of the night. Heading to Vero Beach tomorrow for a campground. Love

Ride from Titusville to Palm Bay. Al and Cathy Bucy

I rode with MapMyRide! Distance: 45.71mi, time: 05:39:27, pace: 7:26min/mi, speed: 8.08mi/h.

Orlando to Titusville

Paul Synk and I ride from Orlando to Ft Christmas about 32 miles. Paul had to turn around and ride back 32 miles and I had to ride about 15 miles to Titusville. Was a great day for riding. Took alot out of me at the end. 1st time since my Rt 66 ride that I had ridden with all my gear on my bike. I spent about an hour at Ft Christmas listen to the Bluegrass music being played and had a pulled pork sandwich. Headed out my last 14-15 miles or so. Ran into a couple riding towards Orlando after riding for the last 6 months. Leaving out of Orlando to fly back to France.  Got to Marshall Weavers house about 2:30. Total miles today close to 48. Talked with Marshall for awhile then took a shower. Headed out to do some site seeing. Stopped at local Brewery in town for a beer. Drove south fir a bit to Coco. Stopped had dinner and drove back to his house to see a rocket launch. Still waiting launch has been delayed. Still might launch but have to launch by 9. If not they will have to reschedule. L

Trento FL to Orlando FL

Spent Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night at Lammys. Got to hang out and enjoy time with Lammy and her family. Had a great last night with Lammy and family. Jerry,Trisha and Lammy we had a few drinks! Glad I did not have a hangover this morning like someone!  Truly blessed with great friends. Lammy did a great photo shoot of me and my bike! Will post a few pictures. Left Friday morning after breakfast to head to Orlando.  Arrived about 1:30 this afternoon. Paul came out and welcomed me in. Unloaded my car put my bike in the garage then we went to a art fest and concert in the park. Paul brought wine cheese and crackers.  Also so salmon and some dip. Meet 2 of his friends there Lisa and Stacey Paul girlfriend Arden came later. The weather was great and the company! Looking forward to start my riding!  Seems like it been a long time since I did any long distance rides so will take it slow to condition for longer rides. Will hopefully start blogging now daily.  Have a few pictures to