
Showing posts from December, 2016

Flying home

Packed up everything and took camper to storage. Drove to Santa Monica Pier hung out for a couple hours. Would of liked to stay longer but it was raining.  Had lunch at Bubba Gump on the Pier. After that drove to parking garage and caught shuttle to airport. Talk about crazy!! Soon as I get here already 1/2 hr delay. Next thing you know it's a 2hr delay. So instead of getting home at 7 am now it's 9am. Will not be blogging till I head back to California on January 4th. So to all MERRY CHRISTMAS                & HAPPY NEW YEAR Good night GOD BLESS


Rode a big 22 miles loop around Pomona today. Saved me 3 hrs of driving. 36 ° this morning so I was able to wait till it warmer upto ride. Broke down my bike and packed it in my car. Wi be storing camper for winter weeks at storage unit and car at airport.  Covering up the bike with a blanket. Should be ok till I get back. Looking forward to coming home and see family! Good night God Bless

Drove to Pacific Palisades.

Parked in Pacific Palisades and ride North towards Malibu. Riding on Pacific Coast Hwy 1 is very dangerous!  Even tho there are shoulders on the side of the road cars or trucks are parked there pushing you into the road and California drivers do n I t move over! Beautiful scenery along the way but only road a total of 18 miles. 20- 25 mph winds on top of it. Road out to Malibu Pier. Again beautiful. Pictures are from sunrise at the Pier! Came across a young lady riding from Vancouver to San Diego. We meet just south of Malibu. She is spending the night in Long Beach. Would love to talk with her more but she had to push on. 1 more day to ride before I have to pack everything up on Wednesday too store camper for 2 weeks till my return. Flying red eye out of LA on Wednesday. Already looking forward to coming back and riding more. Still waiting on my generator!  Very long and drawn out story but this has been going on since October! Asked KOA if it comes in while I'm gone if they c


34° degrees thus morning.  Cleaned up and went to church.  Came back made breakfast. Got very nice in the afternoons.  Sat out just to enjoy the day. Took the whole day off. No riding at all. Went to a couple stores to find some coleman fuel for my stove. Will be heading to just north of Santa Monica to continue riding. 2 days of riding  before I head home. Good night God Bless

Drove to Santa Monica.

  The day started out very cool at the campgrounds.  Woke up and it was 37°. Check temp at Santa Monica and it was 50 so I headed out. When I got there went to Bubba Gump for breakfast.  Had a shrimp and lobster omlete.  Very good! Headed north on the bike trail about 8 miles then rode back. Just really enjoyed being at the beach. A lot of people here today. Enjoyed watching a the activity. Drove to LA to meet up with my niece Rachel and her fiance Tyler.  Went out and got dinner then went to a micro brew for a beer. Had a vanilla beer very good. Taste Tyler bourbon beer tasted even better then mine. Drove back to there apt sat and talked a bit! They have a beautiful tree up. Said goodbyes drove back to camp grounds. I love my family. Calling it a night. Good night God Bless

Rain day

Got up thus morning and pouring down rain. Made coffee then sausage and eggs fir breakfast.  After breakfast went to the movies.seen the new star wars movie! Guess it was ok people clapped at the end. Then went and seen office Christmas party.  Was ok but not that funny. Came home and made sloppy Joes for dinner. After dinner watched It's a wonderful life. No riding but a great day! Plan on doing a few miles in the morning then meet niece at lunch for a few drinks. Rachel and Tyler looking forward to tomorrow! If you can't read it right have a couple Crown Royals like I did! Good night God Bless

Drove to Hermosa Beach

Drove to Hermosa Beach and parked. Rode from Hermosa Beach to Santa Monica Pier.  What a beautiful ride. Was not expecting to ride that far.  The weather was calling for rain today and tomorrow. Thought I would get a few miles in. Have to admit it still was emotional riding to the Pier! Did not go on it will do that on my next ride then ride north. Look to be doing a couple photo shoots along the way. One was set up for a few skateboarders and the other was a girl on rings doing some sort of gymnastics. Did get to see a few Dolphins swimming in the ocean. See them coming up out of the water! That's was cool seeing from shore. The rain has started. Take tomorrow off. Might go see a couple movies. Saturday go and visit with niece Rachel and her fiance Tyler. Temp to day was 59° when I started and was 61 when I finished.  Started at 6 am done by 10. Stop a few times to enjoy the day. A lot of volleyball being played all along the beach! Wish I was young again! Sitting under my

Drove to Long Beach

Started riding a little south of Long Beach . Turned around when bike trail ended. Riding on the road here would of be difficult.  Had twelve miles in. Drove around town a bit then drove to Redondo Beach here I got in another 14 miles. Plan o n going back to ride more going north. I spent to much time enjoying the beach and the weather today. Must of been 73° today. Sat and watched people playing volleyball on the beach. What a great day it was just to people watch.  Should of ride more since there calling for rain the next 2 days. Got a couple of great pictures today. Be home next Thursday till the 4th.  Already have lot of plan set . Calling it a night Good night God Bless

Drove to Huntington Beach and parked

Parked at Huntington Beach Park. Got out and rode north 11 miles. On my way back caught up to a young man riding from Idaho to San Diego.  So I rode with him my last 5 miles. We got to my car I made him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  I also gave him my power bars and water. Thus was his first big ride.  He had just finished college and wanted to take a break. His name is Justin. I did not get his last name. I gave him my phone number just in case he needed anything.  So when he left I went out and rode another 12 miles. So total miles for today was 32. Mid 60s for the high.  Started off cool. I did get a couple of pictures along the way.  Also got a picture of Justin. There were alot more people on bicycles here then anyplace else I've ridden so far. So rode to Newport Beach also today. Need to map out my ride for tomorrow. Good night God Bless

Drove to Laguna Beach

Parked south of Laguna Beach. Got on my bike and headed north. Alot of rolling hills on my travels today!  I stopped along a couple beaches and took some pictures.  Rode a total of 20 miles today. I did not want to push to hard riding the hills and end up in pain. Temp were mid 60s today. I truly enjoyed the ride today. Need to ride next 2 days. Calling fir some heavy rain Thursday and Friday.  Just have to wait and see. Maybe head to Newport Beach tomorrow. Bought me a hat from the Hat Store on the main strip. Post pictures now Good night God Bless

Town of LA Verne

Got up Sunday morning and went to church! Miss going on a regular basis. Came back to camp changed and headed out for a local ride. Rode to town of LA Verizon.  Nice little small town. It is a college town as we University of LA Verne  I only rode 10 miles not pushing to hard but enjoying! No pictures today. Good day God Bless

Pomona day 2

Today I'm taking it is still a little sore.  Took the day off to shower, laundry and some shopping. KOA Christmas party today so making a cheese tray with trail bologna and crackers. Did alot of walking and stretching today. Church in the morning then hopefully a ride in the afternoon. Met a camper this morning Susan, so we are out talking for a bit when we noticed our neighbor standing and staring at us. We asked if we were to loud he said yes and waked away. It seemed strange that a couple women were in and out of his camper before we were even talking. Oh well he left today so all good.  Susan and Rocky also left. Great people! Safe travels. Getting ready for party so Good night God Bless


Today I rode around Pomona!  I had to go to Verizon to get my phone checked out.  The phone would not charge. I did not know if it was the phone or cord. Thankfully it was the cord so all worked out! So rode only 15 miles today have minor pain by incision. Stopped and got some cheese to make a cheese tray for the Christmas party at the campgrounds tomorrow evening. Walked around campgrounds a couple times.  Also got the car washed today. Tomorrow I will do another 15 miles or so around Pomona.  Sunday find a church. Today was 68° here. Got a couple of good pictures of sunset. That's all for today Good night God Bless

Drove to San Clemente

Paked in San Clemente and ride north past Dana Point. Turned around a rode back but stopped at Jon's fis market for fish and chips. You get a very large portion of fish will a mound of fries and a big portion of coleslaw. The food was great glad i had to ride alot more!Weather was perfect! 64° and sunny with a slight breeze. Rode south of San Clemente not sure how many miles total but what a fabulous ride and scenery! Took a few pictures along the way. Working on mapping out my ride for tomorrow.  Sitting here with a big glass of Crown so I need to map out directions pretty fast. It's going down smooth! Will call it a night so I can get the pictures posted. Good night God Bless

Drove to Oceanside Park.

Drove to Oceanside parked the car and rode my bike to Encinitas. Stopped at a donut shop for a coffee and a donut. G I t a raspberry filled and it was very good! I am amazed how many people are out either running, riding,  surfing or walking. I truly enjoy seeing so many people out enjoying the day! I can honesty say I am happy doing what I'm doing!  I only ride 32 miles today but what joy and peace I get from it. I took a few pictures along the way! Will post at the end. Plan on driving to San Clemente tomorrow to do more riding. I might not rude every inch of the coast but I will enjoy what I do ride. I called to set up for my other tattoo but they are booked thru end of December. I had put me on a will call. So if anybody cancels between now and the 20th I'm in. Set up to store camper b when I'm gone and car at airport.  Everything seems to be working out. Got a picture with a group of women for an ugly sweater contest on the beach. Found my shirt Pappy Great beer