Coming Home!!!!

Got up at 5:30 am to get ready to head home. Packed up everything to take down to the lobby.
Went down to say good bye to w groups that were heading on to Madrid Spain. I group had to get up at 3:30 am to head to airport. They were flying home to Boston. They should arrive home by 8pm tonight. After flying 8 hours they have a 4 hour bus ride. This was a great trip except for a the transportation that was supposed to be provided to us. Almost every day we had to wait for transportation.
Our transportation this morning the bus driver over slept so they had to get 2 taxi to drive us to airport. 
Our guide for the trip was Sam. High-energy and very knowledgeable.
Made it to the airport and wait for 3 hours.
Checked a bag so I could bring home some Olive Oil and Wine.
Flight left on time out of Barcelona.
Think we arrive Toronto around 2:40 pm. Fly out at 5:20 I think. Should be Columbus around 7 pm. And Driving home tonight. Made it home around 1am after all flight delays.
Great to sleep in my bed!
Thanks Pam for cleaning house and stocking fridge!!
The end of my international travel for now. Next adventure is bicycling in Yellowstone in August!
Good day
God Bless


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