Monday in Paris

Today was a busy day. Started our day with a bus tour around Paris. About a 3 hr or so tour. Left us out at the Louvre. We had a couple hours to walk around and eat before going in. Once we got in WOW. Could of spent days walking around in there. Only my 2 museum I've been to. The first easy just a couple weeks ago in Germany.
That was beautiful but this is something that I can't put into words.
I was totally amazed. The building it self is art work. I catch myself staring at these painting in awe. We had to push thru at a quick pace. I need to pay more attention to who the artist are.
After the Louvre we spent a couple hours walking around. Had a chance to purchase things if we wanted. Bought a couple bottles of wine for Tony and I.
We meet up with the rest of the group for dinner. Pot roast with mashed potatoes. Dessert was some type of chocolate pie. Not a bad dinner.
13 of us took a boat ride down the river Seine. About an hour ride. Got to take a couple good pictures of the Eiffel Tower. Got a few pictures of Notre Dame.
Took a lot of pictures in.the Louvre.
Will make a couple post to post pictures.
So good night!
God Bless


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