Day 2 in Dallas

Got up this morning and Martha  made pancakes and sausage for breakfast. After breakfast Martha, Pete and I went for a 12 mile bike ride today around White Rock Lake. Felt good to finally ride after surgery.
After our ride Pete and Martha took me to Fort Worth Stockyards.  Spent the day walking thru town. Forgot where we had lunch. After lunch watched cattle drive thru town.
Walked over to a restaurant Joe T Garcias. This is a beautiful restaurant.  We sat had chips and salsa with a drink. This is a indoor and outdoor restaurant.  After here continued walking and stopped at
Billy Bob's Honky Tonk. This is one big bar! Got a drink and walked around looking at celebrity hand prints. Has 3 or 4 bars in it 2 stages and dance floors.
Martha and Pete truly showed me around town and made me feel at home!
Love you guys!
Posted a few pictures from yesterday and also from today.
Good night
God Bless


  1. Does anyone know what the importance of the very first picture? The building is very well known! Hint, Dallas


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