What a great morning! Gog ip made coffee and oatmeal for breakfast. Pam, Trisha and I packed up and headed out. Rode about a mile to get another cup of coffee at McDonald's. On the road by 9ish. Wind is at our backs and blowing 10-20 miles per hour. Was not sure how far or where we were staying. We meet Kent and Nancy on our ride. They are heading to Key West also. They are driving there car parking there car riding out so far and back. We rode 46 miles to Jolly Roger's campgrounds. Spending the night here then riding 8 miles to a friend of Steven and Jens from Ohio. Will spend Monday night with him then work our way to key West. Hoping to stay with a friend in Lone Pine Key but have not heard back from him yet. From not feeling well yesterday and only doing 26 miles to riding 46 today is awesome! Going to finish unpacking shower eat then bed. Good night God Bless